Friday 20 November 2009

I was asked to photograph the Drumbeg Branch of the WI's 50th anniversary dinner which was held at Stormont, the seat of Government in Northern Ireland.
It was to include a group shot of about 60 ladies and some generics plus some images for press publication.
Prior to the evening I visited Stormont to recce the stairwell to see what I would require.
Thankfully I had a twin set of Bowens I could make use of.
The Nikon D3 camera kit had not arrived so I had to make do with the D1's. Which are not very good in low light.
I placed the Bowens (without softboxes or equivalent as none available) at 45 degree angles to the stairs which I think did an ok job of it.
The customer was happy and it was published in the Ulster Star.

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